Patrick’s parents were working as missionaries in Africa so in term time he lived with his uncle. His uncle was a headmaster. Patrick’s family had the sensitivity to have him educated at another school, but at weekends he had private printing lessons taught by the art teacher from his uncle’s school. His friend John came along. It was 1951 and they had just turned 13. This early introduction to printing was the seed for a passion that has lasted 6 decades. John went on to study architecture but continued to print, he’s kept all the screen printed covers he designed for his college magazine in the late 50s. As the new recruit at work, he was introduced to an architect who went on to give him his old book binding press. John drove his Morris 1000 up to Dedham to collect it. As he grew more ambitious he started enquiring about a larger press, an Albion. He found one but it was in pieces, his wife forbade him to buy it unless it was refurbished. And this is it, lovingly serviced and delivered, all 3/4 of a tonne of it, by local print engineer and strongman Chris Holiday.