

London eclipsed everywhere. The fall of the Berlin wall only temporarily wrenched Inga’s attention from her adopted city. Steffi Graf and Boris Becker had just won Wimbledon and Germany was riding high but Inga was a student at St Martins. The very same college where a brown-clad Jarvis Cocker sat nursing milky brown cappuccinos in the student canteen. To Inga, this was the crucible of Cool Britannia. But as the 90s came to an end, Berlin became the new apogee of cool and in 2000 Inga moved east. Fifteen years later she still lives in Berlin, even as another city is determined the moniker for hipdom, Inga is staying put. This collection of old postcards of Berlin celebrate Inga feeling at home. They celebrate her real love for her city and her being part of it. They celebrate her being wrong when, as 17 year old exchange student in the US, she wrote an essay ‘Why the two Germanys will never re-unite’.

15 Dec 2015