

A training day in King’s Cross isn’t how Florence would have chosen to spend her birthday, but James told her he’d take her out for breakfast first. The training day was actually a ruse, hatched between James and Florence’s boss, Jess. James and Florence were going to Paris. They spent the day eating and drinking and walking and Florence left with a fat smile and blisters. James sent flowers to his co-conspirator Jess to say thank you. The flowers were a generic and boring bunch but they were an important catalyst for Florence. Her work was ‘perfectly fine’ but she wanted more. She’d been planning a pedal powered delivery service but she wasn’t sure what to deliver. Now she knew. She would deliver flowers. Nice ones. She quit her job and built a trailer. She hooked it up to 1 of the 200 bikes that hung in their flat, James’ business is designing and building bikes. That was a year ago. Florence has adapted to her 3am starts, heading off to Bristow & Sons in New Spitalfields and cycling back in the half light. She knows that Coronations are actually called Carnations and that Dahlias don’t survive the potholes of east London and that the Peonies from Spalding are always beautiful.

15 Jun 2014