Tracey had arranged her dad’s move, he wasn’t well and the move would take him closer to the support of his mum, Tracey’s grandmother. Tracey had planned to meet him at the coach station for lunch before he left. She’d given him directions over the phone about how to get to the station from Victoria tube – but Tracey cancelled the meeting. Her father didn’t recover and his death came as no surprise. Tracey hadn’t wanted to say what she knew, in all likelihood, would be a final goodbye. After his funeral she was given his old suits, the trousers of which, she and her sister took to wearing. In a pocket she found a note, in her dad’s script were the directions that she’d given him. She’s had it for 14 years, what it represents has changed from grief and sadness to an acceptance and now, looking at his handwriting, she remembers him as he was in happier times.